Understanding Edge Computing and Its Application | Managed IT Services in Dallas
What Is Edge Computing?
Managed IT services firms in Dallas have been helping businesses large and small make the switch to cloud computing for many years at this point. Edge computing is sort of like a simultaneously centralized and decentralized version of the cloud. Essentially, IoT and other web-enabled devices acting like technological satellites in a given location share in data processing, allowing for more efficient real-time analytics and better tech functionality overall. It’s like your own miniature cloud built not from servers, but web-capable devices.
Why Is Edge Computing Useful?
IT services providers in Dallas advise many businesses to consider edge computing if for no other reason than that approximately 75% of enterprise-generated data will be processed through this tech innovation within the next four years. With that in mind, you might also consider the advantages of edge computing, which include:
Latency Reduction
Managed IT services in Dallas helps customers reduce latency through security upgrades, tech infrastructure upgrades, and the introduction of better operational practices. Edge computing fills all three categories by co-opting IoT devices into data processing. Essentially, latency is reduced by edge computing owing to shared data processing.
Competitive Viability
With 75% of enterprise-generated data expected to be funneled through edge computing by 2025, maintaining competitive viability in the near future virtually demands some sort of edge computing applications be used in business operations.
Staying On-Pace for Big Future Shifts
Technology builds on itself much like stalactites or stalagmites grow from previous accretions. Essentially, one tech advance expands from the last. So if you skip a step, then you limit your business from retaining relevance in the market. Accordingly, it becomes important to keep pace with tech innovations like edge computing as they come.
Exploring Edge Computing
We at Technagy can help you take advantage of edge computing so you can reduce latency, facilitate better competitive viability, and remain operationally relevant as regards big tech shifts coming down the pipeline. Edge computing through the right tech provider facilitates these outcomes. To learn more about edge computing and whether this would be a relevant “upgrade” to your site’s technology profile, contact our managed IT services team in Dallas.