Getting IT Support in Dallas Can Help You Fully Utilize Microsoft Teams

A Continuously Developing Software
Modern software seldom remains “static” and having IT support in Dallas can help you stay contemporary with the changes. There’s a high demand for software used in a professional sense, and this often means such software is released before it should be. One reason for that is waiting will basically give a business’s market share to competitors. So, software companies often release bare-bones products and improve on it going forward. This is in part the case with Microsoft Teams, which has continued to develop in the wake of the 2020’s disaster when it became one of the big professional interaction tools driving the market.
Notable Enhancements
Here we’ll explore three recent Microsoft Teams enhancements to help you get an idea of what’s possible today, and how you might utilize such improvements throughout your business:
- More Convenient Default File Customizing
- The Ability to “Lock” a Meeting for Security
- It’s Now Possible to Create Tasks From Messages
More Convenient Default File Customizing
Before, if you opened a file in Teams, well, that’s where it would open. While there’s always been an option to open such files externally, you now have the ability to make file opening preferences a default. So, for example, you can set a Microsoft Office file to open externally from Teams, so you don’t have to click the three dots on the pull-down menu.
The Ability to “Lock” a Meeting for Security
Though you should be able to have secure meetings by controlling invitations, some cyber criminals may insinuate themselves into a meeting that can seriously undermine operations. Such intrusion can result in HR difficulties or other consequences that are very serious. This is a big reason Microsoft Teams designed the “lock” feature, which helps keep varying meetings secure. Partnering with an IT support team in Dallas can help you in “locking” such meetings whether or not Microsoft Teams is your default digital meeting software.
It’s Now Possible to Create Tasks From Messages
Now you can send a task right in a Microsoft Teams message, eliminating yet another layer of operational impediment. The fewer steps there are between commissioning an assignment and receiving the completed work, the better. Microsoft Teams makes creating tasks easier than ever by enabling as much right in the existing messaging feature.
Making Full Use of Microsoft Teams
IT support providers in Dallas like Technagy can help you take full advantage of upgrades for Microsoft Teams that are new, and those which will come in the near future. Tasks from messages, the ability to lock meetings, and default file customization are several very helpful features that have recently been added to this software. Contact us for further information.