The Great Resignation and How the Cloud Can Help Resolve This Issue | Managed IT Services in Dallas

The ‘Great Resignation’ is a term used to describe how employees are leaving their companies in droves. The average employee turnover rate is 15.4 percent, according to the latest statistics from HR consulting firm Aon Hewitt. Many businesses have found that when their employees leave for a new job, it’s because of a poor work environment or lack of career development opportunities—issues that can be remedied by adopting cloud computing supported by managed IT services in Dallas.
The Great Resignation
In the U.S., the number of people leaving their jobs has increased by over 50% since 2010, with one estimate at around 20%. The reasons vary person-to-person, but they tend to fall into three main categories:
- The company is going through tough times
- The employee doesn’t like their job or their manager (or both)
- The employee wants to find something new and exciting
In some cases, like when an employer goes through a restructuring or downsizing process—like what happened at Yahoo! last year—employee turnover can be expected and even encouraged by management as part of the process. But for most organizations, high turnover rates are not only disappointing, but costly as well.
Employers spend a great amount of money annually on recruiting costs alone; when you add in training costs and other factors related to hiring new employees each time someone leaves your company, these costs start looking astronomical very quickly.
The Cloud Delivers Business Benefits IT Can’t Offer On-Prem
If you’re wondering whether or not the cloud is right for your business, here are five ways it can deliver benefits that traditional IT cannot:
- Flexibility – The cloud offers greater flexibility than on-premises solutions because it’s more easily scaled to meet fluctuating demands.
- Speed – Using managed IT services in Dallas allows for cloud-based solutions to be implemented more quickly than on-premises ones, as they don’t require any additional hardware and software infrastructure to implement—install a software license on your device and start using it!
- Security – Cloud providers take care of security so that you don’t have to worry about maintaining security patches or updating antivirus software yourself (but we do recommend following best practices for managing compliance in the cloud).
Cloud Adoption Can Help with Employee Retention
Another benefit to cloud adoption is employee retention, a top priority for many companies. As a business owner, you are probably concerned with keeping your employees happy and engaged. If they’re not happy and engaged, they may quit—and then where you will be? With no staff, of course!
Employee retention is a big issue for businesses today. Cloud adoption can help with employee retention by providing innovative services that help engage employees and improve their work experience.
At Technagy we provide multilevel managed IT services and cloud solutions to help with employee retention, flexibility, and growth of your business in Dallas. Contact us to learn more.