How a Managed IT Service Provider in Dallas Can Help You Avoid These Cybersecurity Mistakes

Small businesses often make the mistake of not prioritizing cybersecurity, which creates significant risks. Working with a managed IT service provider in Dallas is important in staying proactive against these cyber-attacks. An IT service provider will always monitor your network for any unusual signs, and they are only a phone call away if you ever need any technical assistance.
Interested in learning more? Here are a few tips on how an IT service provider can help you avoid common cyber security mistakes.
Not Keeping Track of Your Assets
Maintaining a complete inventory of all your assets is essential in limiting the chance of a cyber-attack. Developing a Bring Your Own Device Policy (BYOD) is one of the best ways to keep up with employee devices to ensure every device receives the latest patches to limit any vulnerabilities. Continually updating your inventory is also key in limiting the risks of shadow IT.
Reactive Approach to Cybersecurity
Not taking action until you are dealing with a cybersecurity incident is never a wise decision. Staying proactive is critical in reducing downtime while providing an extra layer of protection for your data. Managed IT service providers in Dallas will educate your employees on how to recognize common cyber threats, and they are always available if you have any questions. Around-the-clock monitoring services for your network also play a key role in identifying any unusual activity.
Outdated Software
Cybercriminals often look at ways to take advantage of outdated software. The easiest way to avoid this problem is to turn on automatic security updates. An IT service provider will ensure each device will automatically download these updates as soon as they are available. These patches play a key role in improving software performance while also taking care of any vulnerabilities.
Lack of Business Continuity Plan
A cybersecurity incident can sometimes happen to your business even if you take all of the necessary precautions. Creating a business continuity plan is vital in helping you to respond to numerous situations. Keeping your plan up to date and training your employees on how to handle these issues is essential in limiting the impact of a cyber-attack.
Reach Out to a Managed Service Provider to Learn More
Technagy offers managed IT services in Dallas for small to mid-size businesses. Our goal is to provide you with the best IT support available while helping to protect your business against cybercrime. We are always available to answer any tech questions, as offering the best customer support is a top concern. Feel free to reach out to Technagy today to learn more about using our managed IT services!